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If U Care Share

web | branding | marketing | film

If U Care Share is a charitable organisation that helps men suffering from mental health issues. Their work is invaluable and provides much needed support to the community. The charity’s message is that young men need to share their feelings, bringing what’s on the inside, out. This is where the idea for the ‘inside out’ campaign came from.


documentary | interview | bts

We produced a hard hitting short film that highlights the devastating effect suicide has on the friends and families of the victims. We wanted to capture real emotion, and take the viewer on a journey.


Social media | Paid ads | pr

The marketing strategy covered the full digital spectrum. This included a social media marketing campaign, where we created posts and video content to generate huge online engagement. A paid ads campaign helped us push the message to hundreds of thousands of people, and a collaboration with Hard Rock Cafe took us mainstream.

raised in the last 12 months
£ 0
per month secured for paid ads
£ 0